Winter Weather Information

Sturgeon R-V School District

Closing Information 2024-2025

Timely communication with our District families is always a priority, but especially important in emergency school closing situations. The decision to cancel school is made for the entire District. There may be times when the conditions in some parts of the District may be deemed unsafe, while conditions in other parts of the District may not be as bad. The decision to cancel school is made for the entire District, and not for a specific area.

Timing of Notification

The District makes every attempt to reach a decision regarding the closing of school by 5:30 a.m. However, there may be times when the weather conditions change rapidly in the early morning hours and the decision is delayed. While the District strives to make the best decision for all students, there may be times when a parent needs to make the final determination about their child’s attendance on a particular day.

Early Dismissal

The District may dismiss early when winter weather arrives quickly or unexpectedly during the school day. Parents/guardians who work outside the home during school hours are encouraged to have a plan in place to ensure an adult is available to care for young children if they arrive home early. Please make certain that your children know where to go if no one is at home when they arrive. If Sturgeon R-V is forced to close due to inclement weather or other factors (i.e. power outages, water main breaks), parents/guardians will be notified in the following ways:

District Phone Call/Text/Email

Sturgeon R-V utilizes Thrillshare, a mass communication broadcast system that allows school administrators to notify all households by phone, text, and email within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal or school cancellation. The service may also be used occasionally by individual schools to communicate general announcements or reminders. Please be sure to notify the school office about any change in your personal contact information. You always have the option of how you would like to receive notifications (you can turn off the call and only receive texts and/or emails for example). Simply contact your child’s office to change your delivery preferences by calling 573-687-3519 for the K-8 building, or for the high school dial 573-687-4005 or email


When inclement weather causes the District to cancel school or dismiss classes early, please check the following television and radio stations for school closing information: KOMU, KMIZ, KRCG, and Clear 99, radio. These TV and radio stations also have websites with the same school closing information. Look for the Sturgeon R-V School District. Please be advised that individual schools will not be listed separately–closings will always be listed as the Sturgeon R-V School District.


The District website will be updated with any emergency school closing information. Please check the homepage.

Social Media

Sturgeon R-V has its own Facebook page (Sturgeon School District), so be sure to “like” us! It's a great way to keep up to date with the latest happenings in the District, complete with pictures. Social media sites will be used not only to keep community members informed about the latest news in the District, but in the event of a school closing or emergency, this will be yet another means of communicating quickly and efficiently.

Sturgeon R-V App Push Notification

Sturgeon R-V has an app you can download and choose to follow your child's school. The app will be an additional notification tool used in the event of a school closing or emergency that sends followers a push notification directly to their phone. This is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest information.